About us

Jaroslav Szonlajtner company was established in 1995. In the year 2011 the company was transformed from a private person Jaroslav Szonlajtner to the legal person SZONLAJTNER Ltd. During its competence the company managed to gain a stable position and reputation in domestic and international transport market. The company has been growing and now employs more than 80 employees. We are among a stable, constantly developing company and our team can adapt to any conditions. We offer our services in the field of goods transport, storage of goods, forwarding activities for foreign and Slovak customers and also servicing for trucks and cars. Our vehicles are in perfect technical condition. In case of a failure we can quickly provide a repair vehicle or transfer a shipment to a replacement vehicle.
If you are interested to join the broad group of our satisfied customers, we will prove to you, that you have made the wright decision.
Why choose us?
Reliability and professionalism
We operate for more than 10 years in the field of transport and shipping and we have enough experience and knowledge which you can fully benefit from. Our rich experiences guarantee the quality of work and the responsible approach to your order. Our team consists of professionals with long-term experience and thanks to this we are able to provide professional assistance to customers with specific requirements.
Speed and flexibility
Our drivers have many years of experience throughout the European Union and beyond. Since we dispose of vehicles, in which are our professional drivers driving in, in pairs, we can also be adapted to the time-consuming conditions and promptly secure the transport of goods without any problems. As well as for any accidents of the vehicles we have our own service, which is constantly on the alert and which is able to solve accidents in the short time horizon, therefore preventing unwanted delays in your shipments.
Personal approach
Every customer is an unique personality for us, which opens up the possibilities full of ideas and inspires us to implement the best possible solutions. We are always ready to listen your wishes and find a way that will lead to meet your requirements. We prefer building relationship based on trust and we believe, that this approach is the base for achieving exceptional solutions.
Satisfaction and informedness of the customer
Using GPS monitoring our vehicles and roaming by mobile phones, which our drivers have, we can provide information about the place of your shipment 24 hours a day.
AA Certificate – High credibility rating
AA certificate proves that the company belongs to a group of companies with the highest credibility rating in Slovak Republic. The company has met the strictest standards of reliability and stability in the market, and therefore it belongs to the exclusive group of 4,9% Slovak companies that may use the AA certificate as a symbol of high credit rating.
Register of solvent companies
Obtained certificate ranks our company among stable, reputable and reliable companies that fulfill all the commitments and obligations. The company has passed assesment carried out based of its economic performance, in terms of market position throughout the country.
Authorization for the international road transport of goods, as a business
The authorization is granted under Council Regulation. It authorizes the holder to engage in international road transport of goods, as a business, on all routes, on the whole journey or part of the journey, on the territory of community and under the conditions with specified permissions.
Socially responsible company
The granting of the certificate of socially responsible business for us, is a commitment to behave ethically, to contribute to sustainable economic development, while contributing to improve the quality of life for employees and their families, as well as local communities and society as a whole.
ISO certificate confirms that the integrated management system of our company complies with the requirements according to ISO standards. This certificate brings together more than 150 countries and its members include governmental and non – governmental organizations. Obtaining this international certificate only confirms our efforts to increase confidence and quality of our work.